Wednesday, February 28, 2007

My Sweet Sadie

Today is my baby girl, Sadie's birthday. She is four today. I write my children very personal letters on their birthdays and seal them for when they are older (probably when they enter college or get married). As I was writing her letter, I thought of all the characteristics that God bestowed to Sadie and how those characteristics might be utilized in her future. Here is a snippet of what I wrote:
My sweet Sadie,
As I reflect on all the wonders you bring to my life, my heart wells with thanksgiving to the God who created you for His glory and my happiness. You are filled with so many valuable characteristics and I am imagining where these will take you in life. You have a real sense of nurturing. You are always loving your babies and stuffed animals by making sure they are warm, covered with a blanket, fed, and content. I love watching you play when you are not aware that I am looking. You are going to be a great mother! You are also going to be a great friend to those who may be in the greatest need of a friend. I love you so much for that because I will need your friendship as well. Your Grammy and I have a very close friendship and it is a vital part of my being -I hope you see that and desire for us to have that as well......
The rest is for Sadie's eyes only... Happy Birthday sweet girl!


Kristin said...

Perhaps you should have suggested Kleenex prior to reading. Happy Birthday...Sadie Belle!
I love you,
Ms. Kristin

Michelle said...

Well, I must agree with you 100%. She is the sweetest little lady.

Happy Birthday Sadie, we will see you at Mimi's house tomorrow!

Paula said...

Too sweet Mandi!
I cant believe how fast they grow up!!!

Anonymous said...

i only get to see the children when they come to church with george and eva, but i have noticed how grown up she acts--she must get that from you it took her dad quite a while to act grown-up !! i kinda miss the silly boy !