Thursday, February 15, 2007

Is giving back important???

Recently, someone asked me this question, "Is giving back really as important as we say it is?" The person that asked has a pessimistic attitude on most topics and always is a devil's advocate in a conversation. However, I love her and she comes in handy when you need a different perspective!! The basis for the question came when she overheard someone ask me about respite care.
For those of you who don't know what it is.... it is a time for parents of kids with disabilities to take a break! It occurs every 2nd Saturday of each month from 10am to 2pm. Well, she asked me why I did it when my plate is usually so full. I did not give the long version of why I do it but the summary is this:
I have always loved kids with special needs! I knew in high school that I wanted to teach them. I have a God given passion for them and so why not? I know how hard it is to have kids and trudge through the everyday routines. However, I cannot imagine how compounding that routine becomes when you have to load and unload a wheelchair 10 times a day, change your 10 year old child's diaper each day, go to 5 specialists each week for therapy, or just sit down and try to have a family meal without plates flying from a tantrum. And because I don't know what that feels like (but I can guess), I have to give them a break. I get one all the time because I have wonderful parents and in-laws who will let me.
It is not easy to find someone who will baby sit for kids with special needs and it is unheard of to find overnight care. So really I am not doing enough in that area to find more respite for them.
So is it really important that I do this? Sure it is. Will I get rich, get recognition, get a job promotion- NO. But that is not why I do it to begin with. I would hope that if I were in their shoes (and I could be at a moment's notice) that someone would help me too.
I could find so many things to do on those Saturday's but I feel really great after respite care knowing that a difference was made for someone that day. We have some middle and high schoolers volunteering now and it is so wonderful to see the relationships formed and the knowledge build surrounding this very special population.
I do believe that I am in the presence of angels when these kids are near. God has a distinct purpose for all of His creations and the innocence and absence of selfishness from these children indicate to me Christ likeness- they have to be angels! I can't wait to get to Heaven and see them walk, run, talk, laugh, smile and praise Him the way we all will!


Paula said...

I was so touched by this! They are so wonderful. My best friend of almost 20 years has a special needs child and as she sees him drift away each day, she also knows where he is going when he leaves her. He has San Filipo Syndrome and is 9. She has to change his diapers, so Mandy this is wonderful for you to do this. It makes us look at our lives and our children completely different, and makes us see how truly blessed we are!!
Loving it!!!!!

Donna said...

Mandi this really touch my heart. I also have a down syndrone nephew whom I loved dearly. He is very special to me . The most important thing in life he enjoys most is going to church. If we could love unconditionly as these children do we all would be better people. I pray that God will continue to bless George & you & your precious children .

Michelle said...

I have to commend you for the work that you do. The love that you show these children is wonderful.

Rewards are not something that we strive for here on Earth. It is the Heavenly rewards that matter. I am sure that the Lord looks down on your ministry and is very pleased.

Anonymous said...

Okay, I'm going to cry now! I understand what you are talking about. I thank God everyday for giving me my two healthy girls. I love the feeling I get when one of the children I teach can match a color or read a word or even trace a line at the end of the school yr. There are so many things we take for granted! Thanks for lifting me up! Pam