Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Massacre

It has been a while since I have posted but I am having camera trouble and the spring season in a school system is just a crazy/busy time.
My heart is so heavy for the families and friends of the students killed yesterday. As I prayed for these unknown people, I just felt helpless and hopeless for these people. When you send your kids off to college it is supposed to be a fun, life-changing experience. It is not supposed to end this way.
Our society today is so spontaneous that you never know what "crazy" is going to come out of the woodwork and dream up next. There are times I am sad that I brought children in to this troubled world. (That does not mean I have regrets! I wouldn't do it differently if I could.) I am fearful for them. What will they have to face in their lifetime? How can I keep them safe? These questions weigh heavily on me at times.
Now, having said that, I know that we have hope. I know where my eternity lies and I am going to do everything I can to make sure my kids know the Lord and that they secure their eternity. But when you think about death, you don't want it to be a shooting or anything violent. I pray, selfishly, that the Lord allows me to see my kids grow up and that they come to know Him- I want to be there for that. I also pray that I die peacefully- like in my sleep or unconsciously.
So- am I the only one who thinks and actually prays about this? Let me know your thoughts.
I promise the next blog will be happier- but death is inevitable so we might as well be up front about it.


Stacy said...

I feel the exact same way. When I die I want to die in my sleep, but before that i want to see my child except Christ and my husband too! I was so down after hearing of the shootings yesterday I didn't know what to do. I just asked that God be with all the families as the go through this heartache. You are not alone in your prayers, I pray that way also.

Michelle said...

I agree. As a parent I believe we all feel that way. It is human nature to think about their future. For me, Justin is 15 and if the draft is reinstated in 3 years he could be drafted. That is one of the additional worries that we have. We have to trust that the Lord will take care of them. So no, you are not the only one.