Stone said that to me (it is from the end of Night at The Museum when Teddy Roosevelt says it). But it is true- he is a good man! I wrote a long ditty about my mom, but my feelings for dad are much more difficult to put into words. It's a different kind of relationship than the one I have with my mom (not better, not worse, just different).
So the picture tells you alot about my dad. He was an upper level employee for most of his work life in major computer corporations. He made 6 digit salaries, traveled often, but always remained devoted to his family, church and relationship with God. Then about 5 years ago, the Lord started him on a different journey. He tried a few smaller companies but it just didn't work out. He never was discouraged because he knew the Lord was in control. Well, he is very smart and has a math and physics degree from Birmingham Southern. Since I am in education I started telling him how hard it is to find good math and science teachers. He pondered it and God started opening some doors and this will be his second year as an eighth grade physical science teacher. This picture is him at space camp a few weeks ago. An almost 60 year old man enduring a week of space camp. He loved it! He loves teaching and is passionate about it. He loves his students and even cried that he had to give them up at the end of the year. He finds teaching very rewarding and we all love to see how enthusiastic he is about it.
I think God had been preparing him all of his life for this moment. Would he be as effective if he had not had all of that upper level management training? Probably not. Maybe he needed to raise 3 teenagers before he could skillfully teach them. I am amazed at how well he relates to 8th graders (which is a hard grade level to love!) He has an ipod, is very fluent with his laptop, and knows how to podcast, blog and wiki with the best of them. He doesn't sound like the typical almost 60 year old.
That just barely skims the surface of why he is so wonderful! I thank God that I have parents who have modeled for us how to follow God's plan even when it is not evident. My dad will forever be my: bee sting healer, charlie horse giver, field trip buddy, daddy date partner, science project helper, driving lesson instructor, late night scolder, boyfriend scrutinizer, wedding day hero, gramps of the year, husband of the year, spontaneous traveler, roller coaster chum, and my safe place.
Thanks for all you have done,do and will do. I know I'm not the easiest but you are there no matter what. I love you- DD.
I am just blessed. Remember, both mom and I had the same type models in our parents.
To God be the Glory !!
I am just blessed. Mom and I had great role models in our parents as well.
To God Be the Glory !!!
Mandi - I have tears in my eyes reading your precious post. I am adding a hardy "Amen" to all things Larry. Your folks are wonderful, caring, committed, God loving/focused people and my life has been changed by knowing them! :) Mimi P.
it sounds like you had great role models growing up..thats something to be proud of...and im sure you will be the same kind of role model to your children.
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