Sunday, April 22, 2007


George and I had to be at the church at 6:00am because he was playing the drums and I was singing. It was a long day but well worth the worship and message at church. At our church, Crosspoint, we have a tradition called "flowering the cross". Everyone brings fresh flowers and adorns the cross. By the end of the day it is beautiful and a reminder that our Savior died a horrible death for our sins. Thank goodness 3 days later he rose again and will come for me one day!
The kids loved their Easter buckets not baskets at our house. They had a fun Easter egg hunt at Grammy's, one of many that day.


Stacy said...

They looked so cute! I bet they had a great time!!!

Michelle said...

Wonderful church photos. They are the cutest kids.

Loving the family photo!

Anonymous said...

These are great. Please tell them I miss them.....