Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Quick updates!

Oh so sorry for not updating. It has been crazy at work and trying to adjust to our new going to school schedule. The quickest Stone story I have is:
His teacher laughs at his southern accent all the time, but she said Stone's rendition of the Gingerbread Man was one of a kind. It went something like this (I am writing like he speaks):
Ru-in, Ru-in, a-is, fa-ist, a-is yooo ca-in...yooo CAINT ca-itch maeuh,Eye'um thugh gianger breauhd ma-in. The word can't was what got her- it is CAINT in these here parts! Poor Stone.
Sadie is doing great! She loves school and is a social butterfly. Her boyfriend, Logan, and his mom Mrs. Jamye, picked her up last week and she had a play date. She is still talking about it. She loves to be picked up by different people so if you are interested- let us know... She is waiting patiently on Mrs. Michelle (I know you are crazy-busy too!). I have her first day pictures to post- soon.
On a serious note: Please pray for my memaw. She is 87 and broke her hip last night. She will have surgery today and at her age they are putting in a pin. I am very close to her- we are kindred spirits in every way! Pray for mercy and grace as she endures this surgery and the post surgery treatments. Pray for my mom and her sibliings as they will have to make changes in their lives to accommodate her. I am planning on staying this weekend at the hospital so if anyone wants some young-uns to come play I would be most appreciative!

Thursday, August 9, 2007

First Day Celebration

Well Stone loved it! He got up this morning and told me he was a little nervous. He then explained that he wasn't afraid but didn't know what it was going to be like. I told him that I get that feeling too. So we got ready and off we went. We prayed together in the car and that is the only time I got weepy. I quickly recovered and was just fine the rest of the day.
He got out of the car like a champ and every time I saw him today he was grinning from ear to ear. I was so proud of him. He didn't want to tell me details about his day but I am used to that. He will tell me everything when we have our "pillow talk" tonight. I am glad it is over and he is enjoying himself. Enjoy the pictures.