This post is a tribute to my wonderful mom! In honor of mother's day I wanted her to know why I think she's the best.
I was more than a trying child and she has always been VERY patient with me. Ever since I was a little girl I can remember her always taking me to gymnastics, church functions, cheerleading practice, games, etc... I was also one of three kids who had equally as busy lives. She always made sure we were involved in something and that it was good. Knowing that, you know that she had very little time for herself. While she did not have a formal job, she was daily volunteering at the church or school. When we got ready for school, she was getting ready for the day. To say that she was a stay at home mom is a joke because she rarely stayed at home. However, our house was always clean and dinner was always made. Here are some things I love about my mom.
I love the way she always made my favorite meal on my birthday and to this day she still does that. I love the way she let me sleep with her even when I was in my twenties (not every night just on occasion). I love the way she would ask me all about my date and if he kissed me and we'd giggle like school girls while I sat on her bed. I love the way I later found out that she only asked me those questions to make sure my breath smelled non intoxicated (I sure do appreciate that now as a parent!- very clever mom). I love the way she would always be the mom that dropped us off and picked us up- I never questioned who would be there for me. I love the way she loves my daddy and flirts with him all the time. I love the way she laughs from deep inside. I love the way she looks at me when she notices I've stolen jewelry from her and wear it like it's mine! I love the way she indulges me- if I asked her to go dancing tonight she most likely would. I love the way I can call her ten times a day and she acts like it's the first time we talked. I love the way she loves me unconditionally! I love the way we talk about growing old together. I love the way I can get a coke and snack every morning I drop the kids off and she keeps my favorite stocked. I love the way she emails me funny or sentimental stories. I love the way we can see someone or something in public and give each other eye contact and we know exactly what the other is saying. I love the way we can laugh at that incident until we almost wet our pants. I love the way she sets me straight when I am being petty, selfish or am just plain wrong. I love the way she takes time for herself and time for her man. I love the way she takes care of and respects her mother. I love that she cares for my children in the same way. I love that no matter what this earth holds for us that I'll be with her in Heaven for eternity.
She is my very best friend, my security blanket, my secret keeper, my accountability, my cheerleader, my heart.....my mom!!!!