Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Splish Splash

Only in Alabama can cousins bathe together! Can you say Redneck?
It sure is cute!


The sumo baby, Daniel, had a little accident. He fell off a porch while visiting his Granny in Mississippi this past weekend. Leah and Grammy spent all day trying to find a doctor that would see an out of state patient when they ended up at Children's Hospital. Needless to say they were there for a long time. He had a buckle fracture on his fibula (I think). It took Leah, Grammy and 2 doctors to hold him down so they could cast him. Leah has to take him back next week to get a better cast and check it again. Leah is one worn out mother. If you'll remember he is a hefty fella anyway and the cast just adds additional weight. He hasn't figured out how to walk with it so he must crawl (not good for the hardwoods) or be transported by human. Please pray for his speedy recovery and his mother's back! After he ate some food, got his comfy jammies on, and took some Motrin- he was in better spirits!

The Bombs Bursting In Air......

Gramps, a.k.a. the science guy, built some rockets and launched them with his students. He had some left over rockets and being the good Gramps that he is, he let the kids launch some too. They are made of water bottles and a few other supplies. You have to pump air into a special launch pad that the water bottle sits on. Then you count down and pull the string and watch them fly! Here are a few pics.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Out of Towners

My sister in law is in town for a couple of weeks and my kids are thrilled! Not because she's in town, but because she brought her children! They are 8,6, and 18 months. We were praying before bed time last night and Stone asked Jesus if He could help his cousin Eliot to not be an "out of towner" anymore. How precious! I wish they lived closer but it gives us a place to visit and something to look forward to. Eliot is great for Stone in many ways! Tonight Stone ate the crust on a grilled cheese sandwich and that is a first. When I told him how proud I was he said it was because he wanted to grow big like Eliot! I need Eliot for a few weeks so I can get Stone to try other things! I'll take the crust for now.
Little Sadie has had the best time with "Baby Daniel". However, she is clueless that this little cousin weighs more than she does. This kid is a hoss! He is so cute. Sadie adores him and comes home playing mommy with her stuffed animals. Last night Baby Daniel was her stuffed Elephant- how appropriate! We are going to enjoy them all we can for the next week.

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

More Birthday Fun

In true Sadie fashion, she had a series of events.
Wednesday: her real birthday- she got her seesaw
Wednesday night: Ms. Kristen gave her a birthday cupcake at church
Friday: Her class birthday celebration at school
Friday evening: Lala and Maggie bring gifts
Saturday: her real birthday party

She can milk it!!!

Birthday Party

So we had the birthday party for the little girl... it was lots of fun. She had exactly the amount of friends as her age- 4. She thought it was great and so did I since it was easy as pie! We had pizza, drinks, cake and ice cream. I stuffed a pinata at Sadie's request. We had it at our church, Crosspoint, because it would be fun to play on the playground but it was a little too cold. They had a great time playing in the preschool classrooms instead. They hopped from room to room and had a blast. Sadie thanked me for her birthday and said it was the best- which proves you don't have to spend a fortune to have fun!
When I was growing up, my family did not celebrate birthdays with a big bash. Mom made your favorite meal or we went out to eat. There was never any upset feelings over who didn't come to the party or anxiety over who to invite. I attended big birthday bashes for my friends but I always enjoyed our simple birthdays. I am trying to create that for my kids as well. I want them to learn that the amount of people or money spent does not equal friendship or self worth. I spent exactly $80 dollars each on their birthday parties this year and if you ask them- they had a blast! Enjoy the pictures.